Colorado and Missouri Pass the Kratom Consumer Protection Act


26 May, 20220

Colorado and Missouri Pass the Kratom Consumer Protection Act

On May 17, 2022, state legislators in Colorado and Missouri passed the Kratom Consumer Protection Act! Both governors will sign these bills into law in due order. This continues the significant progress that the American Kratom Association (AKA) and other Kratom advocacy groups have made to regulate Kratom in individual states. This law ensures safe and legal access to this beautiful plant!

While numerous attacks by anti-Kratom lobbies tried to slow down the passage of these acts, Kratom advocates won! As a result, Colorado and Missouri have become the 7th and 8th states to pass the Kratom Consumer Protection Act. Currently, the AKA is in the process of passing the KCPA in Kansas, Rhode Island, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The AKA also works in: Washington, Hawaii, South Dakota, Kentucky, Tennessee, Illinois, Vermont, Connecticut, Texas, New Hampshire, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Florida.

While the KCPA is not required for Kratom to be legally sold in a state, it does regulate it and makes it officially legal. As more states formally legalize and regulate Kratom, the AKA will attempt to pass the KCPA on a federal level. That would reverse laws in states where it is banned. It would also regulate Kratom to be a safe product for all. So stay tuned for more good news about our favorite plant!


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