Kratom Powder
Kratom powder, made by crushing Kratom leaves, is the most common way to consume Kratom and is very cost-effective and versatile. Popular strains include Maeng Da and Bali. Buying Kratom powder in bulk is cheaper than purchasing capsules or extracts, but it is less concentrated and not as potent.
Consumption methods include swallowing the powder directly using the “Toss and Wash” technique, where the powder is placed at the back of the throat and followed with a liquid chaser for immediate effects. Alternatively, Kratom powder can be mixed into drinks, like smoothies, or added to food, such as sauces.
Kratom powder is made from Kratom leaves that are crushed so finely it becomes a powder and is one of the most popular ways to consume Kratom.
Kratom powder can be swallowed directly, or mixed with drinks or foods.
To make Kratom tea, mix Kratom powder with hot water, lemon juice, and honey, let it brew and then strain.
One teaspoon contains roughly two grams of Kratom powder.
A generic Kratom powder dosage should be between one to five grams. If it is your first time using Kratom, start with two to four grams of Kratom and leave a 12-hour gap between doses.